Faith Driven, Author, Public Servant, Community Leader & Advocate, Aspiring Pilot

 “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol



When I was a young child, I would often ask my mother and father: “Where was I before I was born?”

I didn’t mean that I was in my mother’s belly. I meant something deeper. As I have traveled through this life, and I remember quite clearly not having received a satisfactory answer to my question.

I believe that this question has driven my travel through this life, and my desire to serve and connect with others.



Java With Judith

Sharing a cup of coffee and being in great company brings back that feeling of intimacy that we experienced when entertainment was just sitting with your neighbors watching the sun go down or the birds at play.

Java with Judith is designed to bring neighbors together in a way that fosters connection, communication, and a better community.

A Passion for Missions


During my life and missions in Africa, I have seen people who had many professions but had no running water inside their houses or apartments.

They had to go to the water truck each day to retrieve water for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and to flush the commode. I felt guilty even using the toilet because it meant I used water that someone had to tote to the apartment. They heated the water for my bath on the stove. While on the road traveling, we stopped at a rest area to use the toilet. I looked for the toilet. As I was looking, I saw women squatting behind the building. Then, I realized that was the toilet. But, this was not so foreign because I grew up in an era when many houses still had outhouses, including my aunt and uncle who watched me while my parents were at work.  

These experiences have stayed with me throughout my life, and drive my commitment to serve mankind and advocate for missions in my local community and throughout the world. Above are some of the organizations I support.